World News

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Swine Flu In Qatar

Health 6/16/2009 3:06:00 PM

DOHA, June 16 (KUNA) -- Qatar discovers the first two cases of swine flu in the country, Qatari Health Minister Abdullah Al-Qahtani.
A two-year-old Austrian child arrived from Dubai on the Emirates Airways Saturday's flight showing swine flu symptoms like fever and coughing, Al-Qahtani said in a statement to the press.
Another two and a half year old child from Bangladesh with an American passport who arrived from New York Sunday accompanied by four family members was diagnosed with the virus, he said.
He said that results came positive, and the cases are subjected to treatment, and urged passengers of Qatar Airways Sunday's flight 084 arriving from New York and Emirate Airways' flight 843 arriving from Dubai to undergo affiliated tests.
He said that Qatar is well-prepared, and has taken all measures to prevent the outbreak of the virus. (end) ma.aia KUNA 161506 Jun 09NNNN

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